It's impossible to contemplate the life of soil very long without seeing its analogy to the life of the spirit.
Wendell BerryIf you can read and have more imagination than a doorknob, what need do you have for a 'movie version' of a novel?
Wendell BerryToday, local economies are being destroyed by the 'pluralistic,' displaced, global economy, which has no respect for what works in a locality. The global economy is built on the principle that one place can be exploited, even destroyed, for the sake of another place.
Wendell BerryI believe until fairly recently our destructions of nature were more or less unwitting -- the by-products, so to speak, of our ignorance or weakness or depravity. It is our present principled and elaborately rationalized rape and plunder of the natural world that is a new thing under the sun.
Wendell Berry...And we pray, not for new earth or heaven, but to be quiet in heart, and in eye clear. What we need is here.
Wendell BerryA proper community, we should remember also, is a commonwealth: a place, a resource, an economy. It answers the needs, practical as well as social and spiritual, of its members - among them the need to need one another. The answer to the present alignment of political power with wealth is the restoration of the identity of community and economy. (pg. 63, "Racism and the Economy")
Wendell Berry