I blend in the backgroud. when I arive for lunch my friends are surprised i'm not already there.
Wendy Massif they make me watch that movie one more time, I will fall down on my knees and beg for mercy
Wendy MassI'm sorry for the randomness of what I wrote, Mr. Oswald. There's been a lot to absorb.' Without looking up, he says, 'Never apologize for writing your truth, Mr. Fink. There are no right or wrong answers.
Wendy MassWe are here because over billions of years, countless variables fell into place, any of which could have taken another path. We are essentially a beautiful fluke, as are the millions of other species with which we share this planet. Our cells are composed of atoms and dust particles from distant galaxies, and from the billions of living organisms that inhabited this planet before us.
Wendy Mass