With actors, normally I don't like to have any conversation about background and about motivations and all this.
Werner HerzogMost of the volcanoes are pretty far away. You have to go to, God knows, Alaska. Or you have to go to the Southern Indies or you have to go to a specific island.
Werner HerzogThe beauty of Netflix is on the 28th of October they push a button and the film will be in 190 countries at the same moment in 17 languages.
Werner HerzogFor a moment the feeling crept over me that my work, my vision, is going to destroy me, and for a fleeting moment I let myself take a long, hard look at myself, something I would not otherwise do--out of instinct, on principle, out of self-preservation--look at myself with objective curiosity to see whether my vision has not destroyed me already. I found it comforting to note that I was still breathing.
Werner Herzog