The discovery of orgone energy was made through consistent, thorough study of energy functions, first in the realm of the psyche, and later in the realm of biological functioning.
Wilhelm ReichThe "stiff, dead, retracted pelvis" is one of man's most frequent vegetative disturbances. It is responsible for lumbago as well as for hemorrhoidal disturbances. Elsewhere, we shall demonstrate an important connection between these disturbances and genital cancer in women, which is so common. Thus, the "deadning of the pelvis" has the same function as the deadening of the abdomen, i.e., to avoid feelings, particularly those of pleasure and anxiety.
Wilhelm ReichIt is above all man's social position that decides whether he will sublimate his sadism as a butcher, surgeon, or policeman.
Wilhelm ReichSexually awakened women, affirmed and recognized as such, would mean the complete collapse of the authoritarian ideology
Wilhelm Reich