Women can resist a man's love, a man's fame, a man's personal appearance, and a man's money, but they cannot resist a man's tongue when he knows how to talk to them.
Wilkie CollinsThe fool's crime is the crime that is found out and the wise man's crime is the crime that is not found out.
Wilkie CollinsTears are scientifically described as a Secretion. I can understand that a secretion may be healthy or unhealthy, but I cannot see the interest of a secretion from a sentimental point of view.
Wilkie CollinsWe neither know nor judge ourselves; others may judge, but cannot know us. God alone judges and knows us.
Wilkie CollinsIs there any wilderness of sand in the deserts of Arabia, is there any prospect of desolation among the ruins of Palestine, which can rival the repelling effect on the eye, and the depressing influence on the mind, of an English country town in the first stage of its existence, and in the transition state of its prosperity?
Wilkie Collins