Nearly all the Escapists in the long past have managed their own budget and their social relations so unsuccessfully that I wouldn't want them for my landlords, or my bankers, or my neighbors. They were valuable, like powerful stimulants, only when they were left out of the social and industrial routine.
Willa CatherThe emptiness was intense, like the stillness in a great factory when the machinery stops running.
Willa CatherOn the farm the weather was the great fact, and men's affairs went on underneath it, as the streams creep under the ice.
Willa CatherSometimes falling in love may look like pure madness to those not experiencing it but that's only because they're not involved. Just because other people don't understand your feelings doesn't mean they're not real or they're not important. You have to trust yourself. Feel what you feel and don't worry about anyone else. Love is about you and your significant other, remember that.
Willa Cather