On the farm the weather was the great fact, and men's affairs went on underneath it, as the streams creep under the ice.
Willa CatherAh! the terror and the delight of that moment when first we fear ourselves! Until then we have not lived.
Willa CatherOf course Nebraska is a storehouse of literary material. Everywhere is a storehouse of literary material. If a true artist were born in a pigpen and raised in a sty, he would still find plenty of inspiration for his work. The only need is the eye to see.
Willa CatherWriting ought either to be the manufacture of stories for which there is a market demand - a business as safe and commendable as making soap or breakfast foods - or it should be an art, which is always a search for something for which there is no market demand, something new and untried, where the values are intrinsic and have nothing to do with standardized values.
Willa Cather