The stately heavens which glory doth array, are mirrors of God's admirable might; there, whence forth spreads the night, forth springs the day. He fix'd the fountains of this temporal light, where stately stars enstall'd, some stand, some stray, all sparks of his great power (though small) yet bright. By what none utter can, no, not conceive. All of his greatness, shadows may perceive.
William Alexander, 1st Earl of StirlingNot beauty, no, but virtue rais'd my fires, whose sacred flame did cherish chaste desires.
William Alexander, 1st Earl of StirlingThe stately heavens which glory doth array, are mirrors of God's admirable might; there, whence forth spreads the night, forth springs the day. He fix'd the fountains of this temporal light, where stately stars enstall'd, some stand, some stray, all sparks of his great power (though small) yet bright. By what none utter can, no, not conceive. All of his greatness, shadows may perceive.
William Alexander, 1st Earl of StirlingThe deepest rivers make least din, The silent soule doth most abound in care.
William Alexander, 1st Earl of StirlingGreat conquests trouble, where contempt may please -- the one yields glory, and the other ease.
William Alexander, 1st Earl of StirlingThere whil'st the world prov'd prodigal of breath, the headless trunks lay prostrated in heaps; this field of funerals sacred unto death, did paint out horror in most hideous shapes: whil'st men unhors'd, horses unmast'red, stray'd, some call'd on those whom they most dearly lov'd, some rag'd, some groan'd, some sigh'd, roar'd, promis'd, pray'd, as blows, falls, faintness, pain, hope, anguish mov'd.
William Alexander, 1st Earl of Stirling