Man often acquires just so much knowledge as to discover his ignorance, and attains so much experience as to regret his follies, and then dies.
William Benton ClulowLocal esteem is far more conducive to happiness than general reputation. The latter may be compared to the fixed stars which glimmer so remotely as to afford little light and no warmth. The former is like the sun, each day shedding his prolific and cheering beams.
William Benton ClulowThe fame which bids fair to live the longest resembles that which Horace attributes to Marcellus, whose progress he compares to the silent, imperceptible growth of a tree.
William Benton ClulowTopics of conversation among the multitude are generally persons, sometimes things, scarcely ever principles.
William Benton ClulowThe effusions of genius are entitled to admiration rather than applause, as they are chiefly the effect of natural endowment, and sometimes appear to be almost involuntary.
William Benton ClulowAfter upwards of two thousand years Epicurus has been exonerated from the reproach that the doctrines of his philosophy recommended the pleasures of sensuality and voluptuousness as the chief good. Calumny may rest on genius a considerable part of a world's duration; what then is the value of fame?
William Benton Clulow