It's very easy to not know the stuff that you should know about the patient when you're seeing them. It's much easier with an electronic system to find them, because it's all right there and it should be current.
William DavisAnytime you adopt a new system you change work flow and so people have to change, to some degree change the way in which they do things.
William DavisA lot of patients you know if you haven't seen them for 6 months or a year, you won't remember what medicines they're on or what kind of problems they have. And you know I'd feel much better if I know a little bit about the patient before I walk in the room, so I won't be too surprised.
William DavisWhen you have a paper based system, you are relying on your memory to a large extent about the patient. Now the paper records can have various kinds of ticklers.
William DavisThe main thing is that people see constant reports of break-ins on, on record systems and stolen financial data and social security records and so they'd think about you know what's going to prevent that happening with my medical records. And interestingly enough, patients are less worried about that than their doctors are.
William Davis