He made the earth first and peopled it with dumb creatures, and then He created man to be His overseer on the earth and to hold suzerainty over the earth and the animals on it in His name, not to hold for himself and his descendants inviolable title forever, generation after generation, to the oblongs and squares of the earth, but to hold the earth mutual and intact in the communal anonymity of brotherhood, and all the fee He asked was pity and humility and sufferance and endurance and the sweat of has face for bread.
William FaulknerTomorrow night is nothing but one long sleepless wrestle with yesterday's omissions and regrets.
William FaulknerEver since then I have believed that God is not only a gentleman and a sport; he is a Kentuckian too.
William FaulknerPerhaps they were right putting love into books. Perhaps it could not live anywhere else.
William FaulknerI don't suppose anybody ever deliberately listens to a watch or a clock. You don't have to. You can be oblivious to the sound for a long while, then in a second of ticking it can create in the mind unbroken the long diminishing parade of time you didn't hear.
William Faulkner