By right, as the word is employed in this subject, has always been understood discretion, that is, a full and complete power of either doing a thing or omitting it, without the person's becoming liable to animadversion or censure from another, that is, in other words, without his incurring any degree of turpitude or guilt. Now in this sense I affirm that man has no rights, no discretionary power whatever.
William GodwinMy mind was bursting with depression and anguish. I muttered imprecations and murmuring as I passed along. I was full of loathing and abhorrence of life, and all that life carries in its train.
William GodwinThe proper method for hastening the decay of error, is not, by brute force, or by regulation which is one of the classes of force, to endeavour to reduce men to intellectual uniformity; but on the contrary by teaching every man to think for himself.
William GodwinGovernment can have no more than two legitimate purposes - the suppression of injustice against individuals within the community, and the common defense against external invasion.
William GodwinDuty is that mode of action on the part of the individual which constitutes the best possible application of his capacity to the general benefit.
William Godwin