Want of principle is power. Truth and honesty set a limit to our efforts, which impudence and hypocrisy easily overleap.
William HazlittThere is some virtue in almost every vice, except hypocrisy; and even that, while it is a mockery of virtue, is at the same time a compliment to it.
William HazlittSociety is a more level surface than we imagine. Wise men or absolute fools are hard to be met with, as there are few giants or dwarfs. The heaviest charge we can bring against the general texture of society is that it is commonplace. Our fancied superiority to others is in some one thing which we think most of because we excel in it, or have paid most attention to it; whilst we overlook their superiority to us in something else which they set equal and exclusive store by.
William HazlittCowardice is not synonymous with prudence. It often happens that the better part of discretion is valor.
William Hazlitt