There are two kinds of investors, be thay large or small: those who don't know where the market is headed, and those who don't know that they don't know.
William J. BernsteinThere are two kinds of investors, be they large or small: those who don't know where the market is headed and those who don't know what they don't know. Then again, there is a third type of investor: the investment professional, who indeed knows he doesn't know, but whose livelihood depends upon appearing to know.
William J. BernsteinWhen it comes to fund managers and market strategists, this year's hero usually turns into next year's zero.
William J. BernsteinThe key thing about any fund is to make sure its expenses are low. You know, if you look at the funds in your plan and you see that they're all charging 1.5 and 2 percent,you've gota bad plan.
William J. BernsteinWhile it is probably a poor idea to own actively managed funds in general, it is truly a terrible idea to own them in taxable accounts... taxes are a drag on performance of up to 4 percentage points each year... many index funds allow your capital gains to grow largely undisturbed until you sell... For the taxable investor, indexing means never having to say you're sorry.
William J. Bernstein