And you cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they can and should do for themselves.
William J. H. BoetckerA man without religion or spiritual vision is like a captain who finds himself in the midst of an uncharted sea, without compass, rudder and steering wheel. He never knows where he is, which way he is going and where he is going to land.
William J. H. BoetckerWhat a pleasure life would be to live if everybody would try to do only half of what he expects others to do.
William J. H. BoetckerNever mind what the 'people' think of you! They may overestimate or underestimate you! Until they discover your real worth, your success depends mainly upon what you think of yourself and whether you believe in yourself. You can succeed if nobody else believes it; but you will never succeed if you don't believe in yourself.
William J. H. Boetcker