This is not a contest between persons. The humblest citizen in all the land, when clad in the armor of a righteous cause, is stronger than all the hosts of error. I come to you in defense of a cause as holy as the cause of liberty - the cause of humanity.
William Jennings BryanWars are sometimes waged to extend trade-the blood of many being shed to enrich a few.
William Jennings BryanIf there is no God there is no hereafter. When, therefore, one drives God out of the universe he closes the door of hope upon himself.
William Jennings BryanYou came to tell us that the great cities are in favour of the gold standard; we reply that the great cities rest upon our broad and fertile plains. Burn down your cities and leave our farms, and your cities will spring up again as if by magic. But destroy out farms and the grass will grow in the city...You shall not press down upon the brow of labour this crown of thorns. You shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold.
William Jennings Bryan