The money problem facing the country from 1789 to 1896 existed because Congress never exercised is authority to "coin money or regulate the value thereof" - but rather delegated that authority, sometimes by charter and sometimes by default, to the banking system. This despite the provision in the Constitution that charged Congress with the power to 'coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standards of weight and Measures.'
William Jennings BryanTwo people in a conversation amount to four people talking. The four are what one person says, what he really wanted to say, what his listener heard, and what he thought he heard.
William Jennings BryanIn commemoration of the fact that France was our ally in securing independence the citizens of that nation joined with the citizens of the United States in placing in New York harbor an heroic statue representing Liberty enlightening the world. What course shall our nation pursue? Send the statue of Liberty back to France and borrow from England a statue of William the Conqueror?
William Jennings BryanThis nation is able to legislate for its own people on every question, without waiting for the aid or consent of any other nation on earth.
William Jennings BryanSelfish interest is one of the most common obstructions to the advance of truth.
William Jennings BryanThere can be no settlement of a great cause without discussion, and people will not discuss a cause until their attention is drawn to it.
William Jennings BryanOur government, conceived in liberty and purchased with blood, can be preserved only by constant vigilance. May we guard it as our children's richest legacy, for what shall it profit our nation if it shall gain the whole world and lose โthe spirit that prizes liberty as the heritage of all men in all lands everywhereโ?
William Jennings Bryan