If you look at the polls, for all the talk about immigration and even trade, ObamaCare was an extremely important issue for Trump voters in 2016.
William KristolRepublicans can also point to an alternate path. They can draw upon genuine experts to explain what should be done.
William KristolLest conservatives be too proud, it's worth recalling that conservatism's rise was decisively enabled by liberalism's weakness.
William KristolI've always rebelled a little when people say, 'My Jewish values lead me to really care about the poor.' I know some Christians who care about the poor, too.
William KristolPeople used to complain in the 50s and 60s and even in the 70s when I was in school, studying political science, that "if only we could have two political parties that presented a choice, but there were all these liberal Republicans and there were all these southern Democrats who are conservative so people just don't have a clear choice."
William Kristol