Labor is the true alchemist that beats out in patient transmutation the baser metals into gold.
William Morley PunshonThere are no trifles in the moral universe of God. Speak me a word to-day; ? it shall go ringing on through the ages.
William Morley PunshonYoung men, terminate, I beseech you, in your own experience, the sad divorce which has too often existed between intellect and piety. Take your stand, unswerving, heroic, by the altar of truth; and from that altar let neither sophistry nor ridicule expel you. Let your faith rest with a child's trust, with a martyr's grip, upon the truth as it is in Jesus.
William Morley PunshonYoung men, you who have any piety at all, what sort is it? Is it a hot-house plant, which must be framed and glassed, lest March, that bold young fellow, should shake the life out.of it in his rough play among the flowers? or is it a hardy shrub, which rejoices when the wild winds course along the heather or howl above the crest of Lebanon ' We need, believe me, the bravery of godliness to bear true witness for our Master now.
William Morley PunshonCowardice asks: Is it safe? Expediency asks: Is it politic? But Conscience asks: Is it right?
William Morley PunshonAll the world over it is true that a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways, like a wave on the streamlet, tossed hither and thither with every eddy of its tide. A determinate purpose in life and a steady adhesion to it through all disadvantages, are indispensable conditions of success.
William Morley Punshon