All the world over it is true that a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways, like a wave on the streamlet, tossed hither and thither with every eddy of its tide. A determinate purpose in life and a steady adhesion to it through all disadvantages, are indispensable conditions of success.
William Morley PunshonThe gospel proceeds on the basis of universal depravity; the gospel assimilates all varieties of human nature into one common experience of guilt and need and helplessness; and this is just what you do not like about it.
William Morley PunshonCowardice asks: Is it safe? Expediency asks: Is it politic? But Conscience asks: Is it right?
William Morley PunshonLabor is the true alchemist that beats out in patient transmutation the baser metals into gold.
William Morley Punshon