Did he so often lodge in open field, In winter's cold and summer's parching heat, To conquer France, his true inheritance?
William ShakespeareTis safter to be that which we destroy Than by destruction dwell in doubtful joy.
William ShakespeareGood Lord, for alliance! Thus goes every one to the world but I, and I am sunburnt; I may sit in a corner and cry heigh-ho for a husband!
William ShakespeareLEONATO Well, niece, I hope to see you one day fitted with a husband. BEATRICE Not till God make men of some other metal than earth. Would it not grieve a woman to be overmastered with a pierce of valiant dust? to make an account of her life to a clod of wayward marl? No, uncle, I'll none: Adam's sons are my brethren; and, truly, I hold it a sin to match in my kindred.
William Shakespeare