I have a lot to say about Mrs. [Hillary] Clinton that has not been said by others recently and that I think needs to be said. I mean I've known her for 40 years. I worked with her, I know her well professionally. I know her well personally. I know her to be a person of high moral character. A reliable person and an honest person, however Mr. [Donald] Trump may rant and rave to the contrary. So I'm happy to say that. People can make their own choices.
William WeldIt's completely idiot proof." I told them they've got it all wrong. I want a machine that is "idiot friendly.
William WeldI would just say 2016 is a year when voters have to think for themselves and shouldn`t necessarily take it from the Rs and the Ds in Washington. But you have to vote for me because otherwise the other guy might win. That`s not really very substantive.
William WeldI think in the real world that's probably correct. That would give federal matching funds. It would mean no more ballot access woes.
William WeldMy slogan when I ran was that there is no such thing as government money, there is only taxpayer's money, and that cut pretty deep.
William Weld[James] Comey's got a good background but there's nothing there, so far as it appears. Nothing there. So he wrote the letter to the eight Republican committee members copied to the Democrats saying 'you know some emails have turned up, we've looked at a lot of emails now it turns out there are even more emails - we don't know what's there, so there's absolutely no evidence whatsoever that could be of interest to anyone until we conduct our multi-week, multi-month investigation.
William Weld