Life as we know it, with all its ups and downs, will soon be over. We all will give an accounting to God of how we have lived.
William WilberforceThe title of Christian is a reproach to us, if we estrange ourselves from Him after whom we are denominated. The name of Jesus is not to be to us like the Allah of the Mahometans, a talisman or an amulet to be worn on the arm, as an external badge merely and symbol of our profession, and to preserve us from evil by some mysterious and unintelligible potency; but is to be engraved deeply on the heart, there written by the finger of God himself in everlasting characters.
William WilberforceAs much pains were taken to make me idle as were ever taken to make me studious.
William WilberforceThis perpetual hurry of business and company ruins me in soul if not in body. More solitude and earlier hours!
William WilberforceTrue practical Christianity (never let it be forgotten) consists in devoting the heart and life to God; in being supremely and habitually governed by a desire to know, and a disposition to fulfill his will, and in endeavoring under the influence of these motives to 'live to his glory.' Where these essential requisites are wanting, however amiable the character may be, however creditable and respectable among men, yet, as it possesses not the grand distinguishing essence, it must not be complimented with the name of Christianity.
William Wilberforce