I think psychology would be an easy transition and figuring out the human mind somehow.
Wilmer ValderramaSometimes you're so nervous about piloting something that you could probably just not empower others to finish what they're supposed to.
Wilmer ValderramaDoing this movie [Fast Food Nation] made me realize that our bodies are digesting things that it's not meant to digest. It's pretty bad for you. The cast is [now] very, very aware of where we get our food and what we put in our bodies.
Wilmer ValderramaI actually didn't read the book [Fast Food Nation]. I wasn't aware of it. But when I read the script, I thought "Wow." It became a project that was just so exciting to be a part of. Maybe a few times in a career [you] get a chance for a role that really means something, and this was it.
Wilmer Valderrama