I know my girlfriend is free-spirited. I know she's so charming that it's disarming. I get it. And I know that every man is going to fall in love with her.
Wilmer ValderramaSometimes we put so much pressure on ourselves with any kind of job we have that we kind of forget that we do this because it's supposed to be fun because we love it.
Wilmer ValderramaNo matter what our situation is, there's always a way to celebrate life and there's always a way to start again.
Wilmer ValderramaI can honestly say from my experience, my family and I had to start from scratch. We left Venezuela back in 1998 and sold the few things we had to come to America in search of the American dream. We went through really tough times. There were moments where we were wondering are we going to make it.
Wilmer Valderrama