He has the gift of compressing the largest amount of words into the smallest amount of thoughts.
Winston ChurchillHave no fear of the future. Let us go forward into its mysteries, tear away the veils which hide it from our eyes, and move onwards with confidence and courage.
Winston ChurchillThose who plan do better than those who do not plan, even should they rarely stick to their plan.
Winston ChurchillIt is impossible to obtain a conviction for sodomy from an English jury. Half of them don't believe that it can physically be done, and the other half are doing it.
Winston ChurchillDelight in smooth sounding platitudes, refusal to face unpleasant facts ... genuine love of peace and pathetic belief that love can be its sole foundation ... the utter devotion of the Liberals to sentiment apart from reality ...though free from wickedness or evil design, played a definite part in the unleashing upon the world of horrors and miseries [WWII]
Winston Churchill