In War: Resolution; In Defeat: Defiance; In Victory: Magnanimity; In Peace: Good Will.
Winston ChurchillYou see these dictators on their pedestals, surrounded by the bayonets of their soldiers and the truncheons of their police ... yet in their hearts there is unspoken fear. They are afraid of words and thoughts: words spoken abroad, thoughts stirring at home -- all the more powerful because forbidden -- terrify them. A little mouse of thought appears in the room, and even the mightiest potentates are thrown into panic.
Winston ChurchillImmense deposits of kimmeridge clay, containing the oil-bearing bands or seams, stretch across England from Dorsetshire to Lincolnshire. [An early political recognition of the native resource. The Geological Survey had identified the inflammable oil shale in reports since at least 1888.]
Winston ChurchillEverything trends towards catastrophe & collapse. I am interested, geared up & happy. Is it not horrible to be built like that?
Winston Churchill