I am never happier than when I have something to compose, for that, after all, is my sole delight and passion
Wolfgang Amadeus MozartTo talk well and eloquently is a very great art, but that an equally great one is to know the right moment to stop.
Wolfgang Amadeus MozartWhen I am at peace with myself . . . then thoughts flow into me most easily and at their best. Where they come from and how - that I cannot say . . . I'd be willing to work forever and forever if I were permitted to write only such music as I want to write and can write - which I myself think good.
Wolfgang Amadeus MozartGod is ever before my eyes. I realize his omnipotence and I fear His anger; but I also recognize his compassion, and His tenderness towards His creatures.
Wolfgang Amadeus MozartThe wonders of the music of the future will be of a higher & wider scale and will introduce many sounds that the human ear is now incapable of hearing. Among these new sounds will be the glorious music of angelic chorales. As men hear these they will cease to consider Angels as figments of their imagination.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart