The goal of European unification can only be achieved if everyone participates, perhaps with exceptions in some areas. Not all countries are part of monetary union, and not all are in the Schengen area. But the fundamental goal should be to keep everyone on board.
Wolfgang SchaubleI want to see religious instruction and sermons held in German in the mosques. The ideal, in my view, would be for imams to be trained in Germany and to speak our language, just as the Roman Catholic Church now holds mass in German and gave up Latin long ago.
Wolfgang SchaubleI think we will have to spend more on defense, for infrastructure, for extension of the broadband network and also for domestic security.
Wolfgang SchaubleReligion teachers for Islam instruction are being trained now in Mรผnster and Erlangen. This has to happen quickly. My goal is to achieve relevant results within two years.
Wolfgang SchaubleYou cannot form a community of countries of different strength without a certain amount of equilibrium. That is reflected in, for example, the EU budget and the bailout programs. That is why there are net payers and net recipients in Europe. A community cannot exist if the stronger do not take responsibility for the weaker.
Wolfgang Schauble