The spirit of [William] Penn will not be stayed. You cannot set limits to such knightly adventurers. After their own day is gone their spirits stalk the world, carrying inspiration everywhere that they go and reminding men of the lineage, the fine lineage, of those who have sought justice and right.
Woodrow WilsonBy 'radical,' I understand one who goes too far; by 'conservative,' one who does not go far enough; by 'reactionary,' one who won't go at all.
Woodrow WilsonThe United States must be neutral in fact as well as in name.... We must be impartial in thought as well as in actiona nationthat neither sits in judgment upon others nor is disturbed in her own counsels and which keeps herself fit and free to do what is honest and disinterested and truly serviceable for the peace of the world.
Woodrow WilsonIt would be the irony of fate if my administration had to deal chiefly with foreign affairs.
Woodrow WilsonPeople will endure their tyrants for years, but they tear their deliverers to pieces if a millennium is not created immediately.
Woodrow Wilson