Since half of all trees cut go to making paper, the only meaningful way to address destruction of our forest is to change the way paper is made.
Woody HarrelsonThere were [in Wilson] a lot of clues in it that you don't normally get, you know, normally you use your imagination or whatever, you get some clues in the script, of course, but yeah, it was really helpful, and I really like the graphic novel. There's stuff in there, there's a couple things in there I really wanted to use that they couldn't get in the movie, but it's definitely, he's a unique guy, you know, I never read a character like this before.
Woody HarrelsonSometimes I feel people think I live on a commune but I don't. We are all solar, though. There are no power lines. It's mostly farmers, so everyone who has tractors uses bio-diesel.
Woody HarrelsonThe government may change faces from time to time, but it's not like we fight wars for democracy - we fight wars for capitalism and for oil.
Woody Harrelson