For a wound to heal, you have to clean it out. Again, and again, and again. And this cleaning process stings. The cleaning of a wound hurts. Yes. Healing takes so much work. So much persistence. And so much patience. But every process has an end and an appointed term. Your healing will come... And like all created things, your worldly pain will die.
Yasmin MogahedWith the withering of the rose, and with each fallen petal, Allah is reminding us that everything here is passing away. He is reminding us that nothing in this world will remain, except for Allah.
Yasmin MogahedJust as storms change the landscape of the earth, our hardships change the landscape of the heart.
Yasmin MogahedTime of difficulty test our faith, our fortitude and our strenght. During these times, the level of our imaan becomes manifest
Yasmin Mogahed