As Muslim women, we have been liberated from this silent bondage. We donโt need societyโs standard of beauty or fashion, to define our worth. We donโt need to become just like men to be honored, and we donโt need to wait for a prince to save or complete us. Our worth, our honor, our salvation, and our completion lies not in the slave. But, in the Lord of the slave.
Yasmin MogahedTimes of hardship can act as both an indicator, as well as a cure, for our broken relationship with our Creator.
Yasmin MogahedShaytan will tell you that youโre not worthy, so give up. But his traps are based on lies. When was any of it because of *your* worth? It was all because of His mercy, His generosity, His love of giving, and forgiving. And those qualities donโt change because youโre messing up. Just seek them. Call Him by His mercy, not by your deeds.
Yasmin MogahedBe careful about wanting what others have. There is always a price. Perhaps God didnโt give it to you, because He knew you wouldnโt be able to pay it.
Yasmin Mogahed