And everyone must lose his mind, everyone must! The sooner the better! It is essential — I know it.
Yevgeny ZamyatinTo the feudal aristocracy and the aristocracy of the spirit, nobility derives from diametrically opposite sources. The glory of the feudal aristocrat is in being a link in the longest possible chain of ancestors. The glory of the aristocrat of the spirit is in having no ancestors - or having as few as possible. If an artist is his own ancestor, if he has only descendents, he enters history as a genius; if he has few ancestors, or is related to them distantly, he enters history as a talent.
Yevgeny ZamyatinWhat is it to you if I don't want others to want for me, if I want to want myself - if I want the impossible.
Yevgeny ZamyatinWhat makes you think that nonsense is bad? If they'd nurtured and cared for human nonsense over the ages the way they did intelligence, it might have turned into something of special value.
Yevgeny ZamyatinThe whole world is one immense woman, and we are in her very womb, we are not yet born, we are joyfully ripening.
Yevgeny ZamyatinLife itself today has lost its plane reality: it is projected, not along the old fixed points, but along the dynamic coordinates of Einstein, of revolution. In this new projection, the best-known formulas and objects become displaced, fantastic, familiar-unfamiliar. This is why it is so logical for literature today to be drawn to the fantastic plot, or to an amalgam of reality and fantasy.
Yevgeny Zamyatin