Everything can be taken from you in a second, but the human spirit is so strong. War can teach you so much about evil, and so much about good.
Zainab SalbiWhile women may look different, as some wear suits and others wear saris, or some cover their hair while others wear their hair loose, women need to stand together because they all face the central point of discrimination, although the extremity of which may be different from Kigali to Kabul.
Zainab SalbiWhen war ends, women are the first to pick up the pieces. Where there is no market place, they go door to door. When homes are destroyed, mothers and daughters haul stones to rebuild or plow fields together.
Zainab SalbiI have come to understand that in order to effectively advance women's rights, we need to galvanize a global women's movement.
Zainab Salbi