The wise man knows that it is better to sit on the banks of a remote mountain stream than to be emperor of the whole world.
ZhuangziIf you wish to care for your body, first of all take care of material things, though even when you have all the things you want, the body can still be uncared for
ZhuangziThe non-action of the wise man is not inaction. It is not studied. It is not shaken by anything. The sage is quiet because he is not moved, not because he wills to be quiet. . . . Joy does all things without concern. For emptiness, stillness, tranquillity, tastelessness, silence, and non-action are the root of all things.
ZhuangziNow, when ordinary people attempt to find happiness, I am not sure whether the happiness is really happiness or not. I study what ordinary people do to find happiness, what they struggle for, rushing about apparently unable to stop.