It's always a disappointing business confronting my own reflection. My body isn't bad. It's a perfectly nice, serviceable body. It's just that the external me- the study, lightly wrinkled, handbagged me- does so little credit to the stuff that's inside.
Zoë HellerSomewhere between sanity and madness lays a fine line, for some it is a tightrope walked daily, a fight for balance to be won or lost. That fight is lost one of two ways. Some simply lose their balance and fall, others are pushed.
Zoë Heller...what is romance, but a mutual pact of delusion? When the pact ends , there's nothing left.
Zoë HellerIt's similar to the way you feel cuddling an infant or a kitten, when you want to squeeze it so hard you'd kill it.
Zoë Heller