The characteristics of a good musician can be summarized as follows: 1. A well-trained ear. 2. A well-trained intelligence. 3. A well-trained heart. 4. A well-trained hand. All four must develop together, in constant equilibrium. As soon as one lags behind or rushes ahead, there is something wrong. So far most of you have met only the requirement of the fourth point: the training of your fingers has left the rest far behind. You would have achieved the same results more quickly and easily, however, if your training in the other three had kept pace.
Zoltan KodalyOur age of mechanization leads along a road ending with man himself as a machine. Only the spirit of singing can save us from this fate.
Zoltan KodalyThere is no complete spiritual life without music, for the human soul has regions which can be illuminated only by music.
Zoltan KodalyLet us take our children seriously! Everything else follows from this...only the best is good enough for a child.
Zoltan KodalyWith music, one's whole future life is brightened. This is such a treasure in life that it helps us over many troubles and difficulties. Music is nourishment, a comforting elixir. Music multiplies all that is beautiful and of value in life.
Zoltan Kodaly