To conclude, the tragedy of March 25 [1969] caught me by surprise. Yahya Khan fooled even me.
Zulfikar Ali BhuttoTo build a country, [Joseph] Stalin was obliged to use force and kill. Mao Tse-tung was obliged to use force and kill. To mention only two recent cases, without raking over the whole history of the world.
Zulfikar Ali BhuttoMrs. [Indira] Gandhi can rightly boast of having won a war, but if she won it, she should first of all thank Yahya Khan and his gang of illiterate psychopaths.
Zulfikar Ali Bhutto[Tikka Khan] went to East Pakistan with precise orders and came back by precise orders. He did what he was ordered to do, though he wasn't always in agreement, and I picked him because I know he'll follow my orders with the same discipline.
Zulfikar Ali Bhutto