If things do not change, there will be nothing left to change. Either power must pass to the people or everything will perish.
Zulfikar Ali BhuttoI've known him since 1954 and I've never taken Mujib Rahiman seriously - I understood from the very first moment that there was no depth to him, no preparation, that he was an agitator breathing a lot of fire and with an absolute lack of ideas.
Zulfikar Ali BhuttoThe fact is that when you talk about Mujib [Rahiman], everything seems so incredible. I don't understand how the world can take him seriously.
Zulfikar Ali Bhutto[Yahya Khan ] had given me an appointment for the following day. And, days later, General Mohd Umar revealed to me that he'd resorted to this stratagem so that I'd stay in Dacca and "see the efficiency of the army." I give you my word of honor that all this is true.
Zulfikar Ali Bhutto