In the oppressive and dystopian world of The Handmaid's Tale, every character has a distinct role to play in the totalitarian society of Gilead. From the powerful Commanders and their Wives to the loyal Marthas and rebellious Handmaids, each person in this world lives within a rigid hierarchy. But what if you were a part of this society? Would you be a Handmaid, forced to bear children, or would you rise to the ranks of the Commanders, shaping the fate of others?
This quiz will help you discover which Gilead role best represents your personality. Whether you find yourself a revolutionary at heart or someone who quietly accepts the rules, this quiz will reveal which of Gilead's roles you align with. Ready to step into the world of The Handmaid’s Tale? Let’s find out where you belong in the dystopia!
How do you handle authority?
I challenge it when I see injustice, always pushing back when I believe something is wrong.I follow it quietly but make sure I maintain my personal sense of integrity.I respect authority but prefer to keep a low profile and focus on my duties.How do you respond to injustice?
I stand up and fight back, no matter the cost.I stay silent, knowing itโs dangerous, but deep down, I wish things could be different.I try to avoid it, hoping it will pass, but I do what I can to keep the peace.Whatโs your role in a group?
Iโm the rebel, leading the charge and encouraging others to rise up.Iโm the organizer, making sure things run smoothly and everyone plays their part.Iโm the silent supporter, doing what I can without drawing attention to myself.How would you describe your personality?
Fierce, independent, and unafraid of confrontation.Quietly strong, disciplined, and thoughtful.Calm, reserved, and loyal, always doing whatโs asked of me.What is your greatest fear in a society like Gileadโs?
Losing my voice and being silenced in the face of tyranny.Being forced into a life where I canโt make my own choices.Not being able to protect those I care about, especially in a world so cruel.How do you view power?
I believe in challenging power, even if it means fighting against overwhelming odds.I believe power should be used responsibly, but I would never hesitate to use it when necessary.I think power is something that should be respected, and I prefer not to challenge it.What kind of relationships do you value?
I value loyalty, trust, and camaraderie, especially among those who share my beliefs.I cherish deep, personal connections, but Iโm careful about whom I trust.I value simplicity and stability, and I prefer harmonious, unobtrusive relationships.How do you deal with conflict?
I confront it head-on and fight for whatโs right, no matter the risk.I try to find a peaceful solution, but Iโm willing to stand firm if pushed too far.I avoid it as much as possible, preferring to keep things calm and controlled.If you were part of Gilead, what would your priority be?
To resist the oppressive system and fight for freedom and equality.To ensure my role is fulfilled and that I can make small changes from within.To fulfill my duty quietly and do my best to survive, supporting those who need me.