The Handmaid's Tale: What Is Your Gilead Identity?

Which role would you play in Gilead? Take this quiz to find out if you're a Handmaid, Wife, Martha, or Guardian. Discover your Gilead identity based on your personality and values!

In The Handmaid’s Tale, the dystopian world of Gilead has strict roles and identities that define the way people live and interact. From the subjugated Handmaids to the powerful Wives and the devoted Guardians, each role carries with it a unique set of responsibilities, values, and challenges. So, if you were to live in this world, which role would you play?

Take this quiz to discover your Gilead identity. Are you a Handmaid, fiercely loyal but deeply oppressed? A Wife, struggling with power and a sense of duty? A Martha, silently defying the system, or a Guardian, upholding the law while carrying a hidden agenda?

Find out which role best matches your personality, your instincts, and your outlook on life.

How do you feel about authority and control?
I believe in order and structure, even if it means following the rules.I try to work within the system, but I often question authority and its fairness.I resist control and would rather challenge authority if necessary.I accept authority but would secretly seek ways to influence the system for good.
If you had a chance to change the system, what would you do?
I’d work within the established rules and try to gain influence from the inside.I’d join a rebellion and fight against the system with everything I have.I’d keep my head down but try to make small changes where I can, focusing on survival.I’d seek to change the system by influencing the ones in power, using my position for subtle resistance.
What’s most important to you in your life?
Power, respect, and fulfilling my duties, no matter how difficult.Freedom and equality, I would fight for a better world for all.Safety and security for myself and my loved ones, even at the cost of personal freedom.Loyalty, maintaining relationships, and staying true to what I believe is right.
How do you feel about relationships?
I’m committed to fulfilling my role in relationships, regardless of my personal feelings.I crave real, equal partnerships, but I feel trapped by societal expectations.I value intimate connections, but often feel isolated and unable to be open.Relationships are essential for survival; I keep them close but guard my heart.
When you’re faced with a difficult decision, how do you respond?
I make the decision that upholds the system and keeps me safe.I question the system and make the choice that feels morally right, no matter the consequences.I do what’s necessary to survive and protect those I care about.I balance my duty with subtle defiance, knowing when to push back and when to comply.
What do you dream of most?
Rising to a position of influence and control within the system.A world where I can live freely, without fear or oppression.A safe place where I can just live in peace, away from conflict.A better world where I can make a difference, even if only in small ways.
How do you deal with conflict?
I work through it, keeping things civil and maintaining control.I confront it directly and fight for what I believe in.I avoid it, preferring to let things settle on their own.I deal with conflict by trying to manipulate the situation in my favor.
How would you describe your relationship with power?
I respect it and understand its role in maintaining order.I challenge it, especially when it feels unjust.I stay away from it, knowing that power can be dangerous.I find ways to navigate it, using it when necessary to protect myself or others.
What’s your ultimate goal in life?
To serve and fulfill my role in society, gaining respect and security in return.To be part of a revolution, fighting for a free and just society.To survive and protect my loved ones, staying safe no matter the cost.To find a balance between fulfilling my duties and subtly changing the system from within.

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