The One with the Catchphrases: A Friends Slang Quiz

Are you ready to prove you know your Friends lingo better than Janice knows her laugh? Let's dive in and see if you're fluent in Friends-speak!

Could this BE any more exciting? Welcome to the ultimate Friends catchphrase challenge!

This quiz will test your knowledge of the iconic phrases, slang, and memorable lines that made Friends one of the most quotable shows in TV history. From Joey's signature pickup line to Phoebe's quirky expressions, from Chandler's sarcastic quips to Ross's paleontology jargon, we've gathered a collection of the gang's most unforgettable utterances. Whether you're a casual viewer or someone who can recite entire episodes, this quiz will put your Friends vocabulary to the test.

So grab a cup of coffee from Central Perk, settle into your favorite oversized armchair, and see if you can match these legendary catchphrases to the right character.

Are you ready to prove you know your Friends lingo better than Janice knows her laugh? Let's dive in and see if you're fluent in Friends-speak!

"How you doin'?"
Ross GellerRichard BurkeChandler BingJoey Tribbiani
"We were on a break!"
Phoebe BuffayRoss GellerMonica GellerRachel Green
"Oh. My. God!"
JaniceCarol WillickEmily WalthamGunther
"Could I BE wearing any more clothes?"
Chandler BingPhoebe BuffayRachel GreenJoey Tribbiani
"Pivot! Pivot! PIVOT!"
Ross GellerMonica GellerChandler BingJoey Tribbiani
"I know!"
Chandler BingPhoebe BuffayRachel GreenMonica Geller
"Smelly Cat, Smelly Cat, what are they feeding you?"
Ursula BuffayJoey TribbianiPhoebe BuffayRachel Green
"They don't know that we know they know we know."
Joey TribbianiPhoebe BuffayRachel GreenRoss Geller
"She is your lobster."
Phoebe BuffayMonica GellerJoey TribbianiChandler Bing
"Welcome to the real world. It sucks. You're gonna love it!"
Rachel GreenChandler BingRoss GellerMonica Geller
"Gum would be perfection."
Chandler BingJoey TribbianiRoss GellerMonica Geller
"It's a moo point. It's like a cow's opinion; it doesn't matter. It's moo."
Rachel GreenChandler BingPhoebe BuffayJoey Tribbiani
"Seven! Seven! Seven!"
Ross GellerChandler BingMonica GellerRachel Green
"I'm not so good with the advice. Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?"
Ross GellerPhoebe BuffayJoey TribbianiChandler Bing
Chandler BingRoss GellerJoey TribbianiPhoebe Buffay

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