The One with the Fake Everything: Funniest 'Friends' Quiz

Whether you're a casual viewer or a die-hard fan who can recite every episode, prepare to dive deep into the world of Friends' alter egos. Can you remember who used what lie and in which situations?

Welcome to the world of Friends, where six New Yorkers navigate life, love, and countless hilarious situations! 

Throughout the show's ten seasons, our beloved characters often found themselves in situations where they needed to use fake names or aliases. From Phoebe's go-to alter ego Regina Phalange to Chandler's infamous "Toby" incident, these moments have become iconic parts of Friends lore.

This quiz will test your knowledge of the various fake names, small lies and aliases used throughout the series. Whether you're a casual viewer or a die-hard fan who can recite every episode, prepare to dive deep into the world of Friends' alter egos. Can you remember who used what lie and in which situations?

Grab a cup of coffee from Central Perk and get ready to prove your expertise on "The One with the Fake Everything"!

Ross was teaching in a fake... accent at New York University. What was it?
BritishAustralianDutchSouthern American
Which alias did Phoebe use when pretending to be Joey's agent?
Jill GoodacreRegina PhalangeUrsula BuffayEstelle Leonard
Joey describes himself as a fluent... speaker on his CV but he doesnโ€™t understand a word. What is the language?
What wrong name did Chandler get called by a coworker at the office?
TonyMiss Chanandler BongTobyChanny
Which alias did Monica use in "The One with the Fake Monica" episode?
Rachel GreenMoanaChef GellerMonana
What name did Joey use when trying to pick up women?
Ken AdamsDrake RamorayTribbianiJoseph
When Phoebe goes to get her name changed she realizes she can change it to anything she wants, so she changes it to...
Princess Consuela Banana-HammockPhoebe HanniganMrs. BuffayRegina Phalange
Phoebe lied she had a roommate named...
A pregnant Rachel lied to her father and told him that Ross doesnโ€™t want to marry her and called her...
obsessivenot a marriage material damaged goodseasy
Chandler kissed one of Joey's sisters, but the couldn't remember her name. Which one?
What stage name did Joey use after his agent, Estelle, suggests that he create a stage name because "Joey Tribbiani" is too ethnic?
ClaudeJohn SmithJoseph StalinKen Adams
Which country did Chandler lie Janice he is moving to?
Who says this famous lie โ€œYou know a raccoon came in and ate your muffinโ€?
Who said the ridiculous lie " OBGYN is trying to kill me!"?
Which 'Friends' character famously lies they've seen "all the movies"?
Rachel scares Joey with a story about how the pianting Gladys is haunted and she looks for.... to steal?
What fake name did Joey get when working in Monica's kitchen?
Drake JosephKenDragon

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