What's Your New Year's Drink of Choice?

Discover your ideal celebratory drink! ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿฅ‚๐Ÿน๐Ÿป๐Ÿง‰

What's Your New Year's Drink of Choice?

Photo credit: JESHOOTS.COM/Unsplash

As the clock strikes midnight, it's time to raise a glass to the New Year!

Discover your ideal celebratory drink with this quiz.

Whether you prefer a classic cocktail, a sparkling beverage, or something unique, find out what libation will be in your hand as you welcome the upcoming year.

๐Ÿธ How do you feel about a classic cocktail?
Love them! A well-made martini is my go-to.They're okay, but I prefer more adventurous options.Classic cocktails are too strong for my taste.I rarely drink cocktails; I prefer other beverages.I don't drink alcohol.
๐Ÿพ What's your stance on sparkling beverages?
Champagne all the way! I love the elegance.I enjoy sparkling wine or prosecco.Not a fan of the bubbles; I prefer still drinks.I'd rather have a non-alcoholic sparkling option.I don't drink any kind of sparkling beverages.
๐Ÿน How do you feel about fruity and tropical drinks?
Love them! A piรฑa colada is my vacation in a glass.They're refreshing, especially during warmer seasons.Fruity drinks are too sweet for my liking.I prefer non-alcoholic fruity beverages.I don't consume fruity or tropical drinks.
โ˜• Are you a fan of warm and comforting drinks?
Yes, a hot toddy or mulled wine is perfect.Occasionally, especially during colder months.Warm drinks don't appeal to me; I prefer cold beverages.I prefer non-alcoholic warm drinks like hot chocolate.I don't drink warm beverages.
๐Ÿป How do you feel about beer?
Love a good craft beer or ale.I enjoy beer, especially in social settings.Not a fan of beer; I prefer other alcoholic options.I prefer non-alcoholic beer or other beverages.I don't consume beer or any other alcoholic drinks.
๐Ÿท What's your preference when it'res to wine?
A fine red wine or a robust white wine.I enjoy wine, but I'm not too particular about the type.Wine is not my first choice; I prefer other options.I prefer non-alcoholic grape juice or a mocktail.I don't drink wine or any other alcoholic beverages.

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