For a More Successful Year: 7 Terribly Harmful Flaws It's Time to Give Up
Along with all the things we promise ourselves we'll be, it's good to think about the things we no longer want to be
Nadya HamdanPhoto via Generated Image
For many, the new year is a chance, a fresh start, a time to let go of everything that's holding us back and try to be better and happier.
Along with all that we promise ourselves to be, it is good to think about what we no longer want to be.
12 Different New Year Promises to Make... and Keep
It's time to let go of some habits that get in the way of success and make us unhappy, negative, anxious, stressed, etc.
🌞 Give up feeling sorry for yourself
"No one helps me", "good things never happen to me", "nothing goes right", "these things keep happening to me"... It's time to let go of your victim role and take responsibility for your life. Give up all those thoughts that make you unhappy and prevent you from developing. Not only will they not help you achieve your goals, they will harm you.
🌞 Give up rushing
If you're one of those people who are always in a hurry to get somewhere, then it's time to stop. You'd be surprised how much faster things will happen if you can keep calm and composed. Rushing brings stress, and it will surely get in your way of a happier year.
🌞 Refuse to blame
Do you know what is one of the greatest weaknesses a person can have? That of always looking for blame outside. Accept it - sometimes the blame can be on you. And that's not so bad, as long as you manage to learn the lesson the situation has brought you. Even if the people around you make mistakes, don't handle it the way you'd like, let them mess up and learn from their mistakes too. Stop blaming.
🌞 Refuse to worry
No one in history has been able to stop something bad from happening by worrying about it. On the contrary, most attracted it through the Law of Attraction. Try to accept a very simple truth - change everything in your power and just let the rest of it happen. If you can't influence something, don't think about it. And try to trust life that maybe things will work out in the best way for you.
🌞 Refuse to procrastinate
Procrastination is a problem for many people. Some are lazy, others have a slightly different idea of time (they think it's infinite), others hope someone will do the task for them. No matter what your reason is for procrastinating, remove it. Try to solve each case now, immediately, right this moment. You'd be surprised how much more free time you'll have. Paradoxical, but a fact. And another bonus - when you've checked off your tasks, you'll be able to fully enjoy that time.
🌞 Refuse to be afraid
Fear is at the root of a huge percentage of failures in people's lives. I'll make the clarification here again that we're not talking about the rational fears that help us survive our environment. I'm talking about those baseless anxieties that stop us from taking risks, being more outspoken, saying what we think, traveling, changing jobs... living. You know what cures fear best - courage. Turn to it in the new year and you'll be amazed at the results.
🌞 Give up negative thoughts
There isn't a person on the planet who possesses only positive thoughts. Or at least I'm not aware of any. What we can all do, however, is try to limit the negative monologues we often have with ourselves. The only thing they can bring us is a way to make our day bad and unsatisfying.
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