I think that the young people today feel a tremendous sense of responsibility to their brothers and sisters because of the sacrifices that most families make to send their children to college.
A. Bartlett GiamattiThe university is our culture's assertion that what is made by the mind has value and can convey values.
A. Bartlett GiamattiA liberal education is at the heart of a civil society, and at the heart of a liberal education is the act of teaching.
A. Bartlett GiamattiAmericans have been remarkably devoted to the capacity for belief, to idealism. That's why we get into trouble all the time. We're always viewed as naive.
A. Bartlett GiamattiAll play aspires to the condition of paradise...through play in all its forms...we hope to achieve a state that our larger Greco-Roman, Judeo- Christian culture has always known was lost. Where it exists, we do not know, although we always have envisioned it as a garden...always as removed, as an enclosed green place...Paradise is an ancient dream...It is a dream of ourselves as better than we are, back to what we were.
A. Bartlett Giamatti