Our heads have a nasty habit of ruining what can make us happiest. And there are times in our lives when you have to put aside what we think is best and do with what you feel is best.
A. Meredith WaltersCloud walking. I like that. And yeah, that's exactly how you make me feel. Like my feet will never touch the ground.
A. Meredith WaltersI loved him. I hated him. I wanted to kiss him. I wanted to strangle him. I was a walking, talking contradiction. There were days I was so torn by my conflicting emotions that I thought I would be ripped in half. Staring at my best friend and secret object of my undying love, I wondered if I would ever get off this crazy train of emotions swirling around inside me. I didn't like feeling this way. But the truth was I couldn't remember a time I didn't feel this aching need to completely immerse myself in all things Daniel Lowe.
A. Meredith Walters