I thought [when I was 16] my days were just going to be spent hanging out on a beach and my girlfriend was going to be Miss Teen USA and my best friend will be a dolphin.
Aasif MandviEngland has an interesting relationship with the Indian subcontinent because the years of colonization and the history between the two places.
Aasif MandviYou can get samosas in any pub in England today, pretty much. So, "Gunga Din" has come back.
Aasif MandviIn America, people think being South Asian is still kind of exotic. When you go outside New York and Chicago and L.A., there are people who have never tried Indian food... they've never even tasted it!
Aasif MandviBradford specifically there were a lot of Pakistanis there. Even today it has a very large Pakistani population.It was something that I experienced - getting chased home from the bus stop after school by English kids, boarding school, being targeted for praying to what they call Allah wallah ding dong.
Aasif Mandvi