So many forces and resources would become available if States, aware (or conscious) of their true (or real) mission, would want to get on (or agree) to abolish every politics aiming at ("visant ร ", Fr.) expansion or hegemony; system that maintain among nations a a perpetual distrust and tension, impose on them (or force or compel, "leur impose", Fr.) formidable armies and crushing war budgets.
African SpirA good man ("un homme de bien", Fr.) never wholly perishes, the best part of his being outlives (or survives) in eternity.
African SpirReligion is not simply a theory, it is a higher life, of which morality is an integral part - a life devoted to the worship of the good and the true, for God, the absolute, is the supreme source of all perfection" ("La religion n'et pas une smple thรฉorie, elle est une vie supรฉrieure, dont la moralitรฉ fait partie intรฉgrante - une vie vouรฉe au culte du bien et du vrai, car Dieu, l'absolu est la source de toute perfection", Fr.)
African SpirThe appalling and shameful scene ("spectacle", Fr.) of disarray and illogicality that manifest itself in the thought and deeds of men, will no longer be seen, once these will possess an enlighten consciouness.
African SpirArbitrariness and true liberty are as distinct from each other that the empirical nature is distinct from the higher nature of man.
African SpirWhoever has recognized the vainglory of individuality will not attach any store ("n'attachera aucun prix ร ", Fr.) to fame. The only one thing which is really valuable, it is to do good.
African SpirSee that unfortunate soldier who is falling hurt to death ("tombe blessรฉ ร ...", Fr.) on the battlefield; he learns that his folks have vanquished and dies happy. He detached himself from himself (s'est dรฉtacher de lui-mรชme", Fr.), has identified himself with something greater and more lasting than himself; his homeland ("patrie", Fr.); thus, while dying as an individual, he has the certainty to survive in a larger existence.
African Spir